Time Marches On
Sakinoma, BRC, 2007
Bios to edit, lecture to finalize, and my beloved dissertation...
Ended the summer on the most amazing note. My friend from first grade, flew in from Los Angeles and brought all her joy and love with her. The term, 'best friend,' had no meaning before her.
We went to school together till eighth grade and continued our friendship at different high schools and universities. She chose me as the maid of honor in her wedding and nothing has ever caused a conflict in our friendship- ever.
She left her beautiful son in the care of her devoted husband and made her way to the city. We drank lattes outside the French cafe and I promised she had arrived the morning of the first city rain. "Lo, I don't believe you," point blank tone. I insisted really, it was sunny up till yesterday! "Shut up!" We both laughed and I said, you are soo LA.
I told her we really did walk a lot in the city and since her last visit I had learned to use the public transit system. Yet we drove to the nail salon. Later and less sober I tried to explain the difference between BART, Muni, and taxies.
Parking goddess activated, finally made it to the flat. Toasted her arrival with a little pink bottle of Nigori sake I had picked up for the occasion. I shared the photos of my first burning man, she read up on my blog, and we walked down to shop.
Made our way through the neighborhood in and out of shops. Decided for our night out we wanted large luscious- lashes. I didn't know estheticians actually trained in this. She went for volume I went for a set with a glittery band on the base. It was silly and fun.
Time was moving too quickly for all the things we wanted to do. Before we knew it we were ready for the evening and somehow I was running late. We joined my friend for drinks at a very comfortable and well appointed downtown lounge. We were getting very comfortable but still had another stop to go, we said goodby and hailed a taxi. Again behind schedule my friend was already holding our place in line because it was reaching capacity quickly.
Once inside the very attentive host at Pink personally poured our complimentary cocktail and the four of us toasted the end of summer...Miguel Miggs or Julius Papp were deep in their set and as we made our way to the coat check I turned to see my best friend grinning.
Time Marches On by Layo and Bushwaka streamed from the sound system and it was all just perfect.

Bios to edit, lecture to finalize, and my beloved dissertation...
Ended the summer on the most amazing note. My friend from first grade, flew in from Los Angeles and brought all her joy and love with her. The term, 'best friend,' had no meaning before her.
We went to school together till eighth grade and continued our friendship at different high schools and universities. She chose me as the maid of honor in her wedding and nothing has ever caused a conflict in our friendship- ever.
She left her beautiful son in the care of her devoted husband and made her way to the city. We drank lattes outside the French cafe and I promised she had arrived the morning of the first city rain. "Lo, I don't believe you," point blank tone. I insisted really, it was sunny up till yesterday! "Shut up!" We both laughed and I said, you are soo LA.
I told her we really did walk a lot in the city and since her last visit I had learned to use the public transit system. Yet we drove to the nail salon. Later and less sober I tried to explain the difference between BART, Muni, and taxies.
Parking goddess activated, finally made it to the flat. Toasted her arrival with a little pink bottle of Nigori sake I had picked up for the occasion. I shared the photos of my first burning man, she read up on my blog, and we walked down to shop.
Made our way through the neighborhood in and out of shops. Decided for our night out we wanted large luscious- lashes. I didn't know estheticians actually trained in this. She went for volume I went for a set with a glittery band on the base. It was silly and fun.
Time was moving too quickly for all the things we wanted to do. Before we knew it we were ready for the evening and somehow I was running late. We joined my friend for drinks at a very comfortable and well appointed downtown lounge. We were getting very comfortable but still had another stop to go, we said goodby and hailed a taxi. Again behind schedule my friend was already holding our place in line because it was reaching capacity quickly.
Once inside the very attentive host at Pink personally poured our complimentary cocktail and the four of us toasted the end of summer...Miguel Miggs or Julius Papp were deep in their set and as we made our way to the coat check I turned to see my best friend grinning.
Time Marches On by Layo and Bushwaka streamed from the sound system and it was all just perfect.
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