Project Martinez Martinez

I had chocolate caliente, which I think is best when you float a little butter in which they had and mini-pan dulces. We talked about project Martinez Martinez. Our great-grandmother was De Silva Martinez and great-grandfather Gallegos Martinez, not related we have checked one has French lineage the other Spanish either way we are 100% Mexicanos. Aguascalientes, Mexico is where we are from.
We decided for project Martinez Martinez we would return for a pool party at the Lucerna, plan a trip to Ensenada, go further into Mexico as well, definitely a cookbook. When we told my Grandma Amparo about the cookbook she listed off recipes she learned from her mom, the only one I remember is chile verde. Either way we plan to compile this cookbook and share it with our Martinez Martinez relatives.
There we were about to lay to rest our Tio-abuelo Andres Martinez Martinez and yet our family was renewing. Back at the Buena Vista there was food and drinks, and birthday cakes too! Being in my great-grandparents home again with my Martinez Martinez family, was a celebration of life, of family, of the strength that emerges when we come together. Cuatro generaciones de amor, presente!
Labels: Entre Familia, Love, Mexico Querido
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