Project Dissertation

I moved to this fabulous city three years ago mainly to; be near an airport for travel, be able to not trade my stilletos for trainers, and to finish my doctoral studies in four years. Yes, that pretty much sums up my priorities at 30. So now I am ABD with nine months to go and San Francisco is no easy city to ignore. Although, I would argue that each experience that deters my academic writing is really just needed inspiration. Welcome and I hope you enjoy...

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Bilingual, Bicultural, and Dual Citizen. J School B.A., M.A. in High Incidence Disabilities, & ABD in Education.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Sometimes you meet people and you know the story is just begining...

When I met her we were both out with musicians, bonded instantly over our Mexicaness. In a room together the Argentine and the Puerto Rican would exclaim- Amor a la Mexicana!

She was the guerita and I was the morenita. We made plans for dinner parties, and double dates that would never happen.
At least not with them. It would take months before we finally sat down for that cafecito. There like ribbons our stories would unravel and we would laugh in mutual shock and horror...

We set out with our new found friendship- reclaiming spaces, catching up on life events like long lost primas...before the sun came up we had men offering us drinks, serving us patron, offering to build us bonfires. Some we accepted others declined as we navigated our way through the city night.

With the first sign of sunlight we said goodnight to the after-after party with the band. Laughed as we recounted the night moving easily from english to spanish and made plans into the summer...

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