Project Dissertation

I moved to this fabulous city three years ago mainly to; be near an airport for travel, be able to not trade my stilletos for trainers, and to finish my doctoral studies in four years. Yes, that pretty much sums up my priorities at 30. So now I am ABD with nine months to go and San Francisco is no easy city to ignore. Although, I would argue that each experience that deters my academic writing is really just needed inspiration. Welcome and I hope you enjoy...

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Bilingual, Bicultural, and Dual Citizen. J School B.A., M.A. in High Incidence Disabilities, & ABD in Education.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tacos de Papa

Since Thursday evening when I ate late night Mexican food with the Tico after the Manicato show, I have been craving a taco de papa.

I didn't have any plans to celebrate the the battle of Puebla, but as the day went on, I had a nagging craving. I looked in the pantry and fridge to see if I could satisfy my craving.

I found some Peruvian beans that I sorted, rinsed and placed in water to boil. I had just put them on the stove when my Mom called...when I hung up the phone I remembered the frijoles de la olla and the water was almost gone! Ugh, I swear I had already perfected this dish, but not today. I added more water a big no-no and hoped they survived.

In the fridge I found some cilantro, tomatoes, onion and limon, I thought no problem I will make a pico de gallo and add it to a Calvillo cheese quesadilla- perfect.

Fortunately my friend called and I told her, 'I am craving something Mexican!' We walked down the hill without a plan and found the 43 bus waiting for us. We headed to the Marina.

Crossed the street to La Barca and she said uh-oh, this land/water craft was decorated with all the Mexican brands in front of La Barca. As we approached the restaurant people were streaming onto the sidewalk. I looked at her, realizing neither of us really had this in mind.

Walked up to the entrance to have a young door person say it was the exit today. Walked back to the bar entrance to show our id's. I smiled and asked if they were serving food. "Yes are you here for dinner?" Taco de papa craving since Thursday I told him. "Thank you for knowing they are on my menu." They are not really but they always make them for me. He smiled. "Let me walk you over to the hostess." We went back to the current exit past the young door guy and the crowds to the hostesses. Thank you, "You are welcome, nice to see you again."

I whispered to my friend- he's the owner. Our name on the list an opening at the bar, we took in the after work crowd that had already been there for four hours. It was funny to watch, everyone was really nice.

Helped myself to some beer cozies sitting on the counter either for my dad or Burning Man, figured out Cazadores Tequila was underwriting the entire bar promotion and when I turned the bartender was reaching over my head to place a festive necklace on me.

Our table was ready and my friend got her free shot from the bartender when she closed the tab, then because I was still working on my margarita and she had finished hers, the server brought her one also. My friend prefers to say he brought it to her because she was hot- okay, agreed!

We laughed at how unexpectedly fun the night had turned out. Didn't know where to catch the bus back, realizing we have only taken it in one direction hailed a cab easily...happy, full and giddy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That plate looks so yummy!

Sometimes it is the simple things in life like rice, beans, and tacos that bring the most comfort.

12:24 PM  
Blogger la rebelde said...

que fun! i love that he makes you tacos de papa even when it's not on the menu!

2:05 PM  
Blogger Lorena said...

my cooking skills are so limited at times;
75% of the times my frijoles de la olla will be exactly as they should be
50% of the time my rice will turn out
Using the sizzling oil for anything- not a strength, terrified of a hot little bead of oil jumping on my skin, that is why i have never attempted to make tacos fritos!

7:24 PM  

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