Project Dissertation

I moved to this fabulous city three years ago mainly to; be near an airport for travel, be able to not trade my stilletos for trainers, and to finish my doctoral studies in four years. Yes, that pretty much sums up my priorities at 30. So now I am ABD with nine months to go and San Francisco is no easy city to ignore. Although, I would argue that each experience that deters my academic writing is really just needed inspiration. Welcome and I hope you enjoy...

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Bilingual, Bicultural, and Dual Citizen. J School B.A., M.A. in High Incidence Disabilities, & ABD in Education.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Volunteering is Sexy

Altruism is sexier...

And it feels good. Doing something for others because you can, knowing that you are contributing to their well being. Expecting nothing in return, anonymity at best.

I grew up seeing my parents generously sharing of their time and energy with family and friends. Through their example and encouragement I learned to share what I had. If it was a collection of Alms, the jar in my home would always return to the church full. When the phone calls came at strange times of the day or night, they would make the effort to support their loved ones through their discomfort. I never really thought this was out of the ordinary, just what familia did.

In my own physical limitations I have never been one to run to someones hospital bedside. Not my strength and fortunately due to my faintness at such moments not expected. Do I share my time, energy, and resources when possible? Absolutely, it feels awkward not to.

It is the kindness of those around me that facilitates many of my own good intentions.

Just back from chaperoning a snow trip. My friend donated her home in the snow. For socio and economic reasons, the students had not left the city, seen the snow, sat around a wood stove as the fire burned. Many of them, do not have the experiences of traveling or vacationing with family or parents...

The sacrifice on the chaperons side were minimal; no alcohol obviously, or hottubbing- not when all 8 are teenage boys, Dios mio!

If you have the time, energy, or talent- share them, you will leave an impression and memory that did not exist before.


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